黉舍位置: /從維多利亞大學從屬語言中心ELC黉舍搭乘公共交通很便當,黉舍即接近公車站,到維多利亞市中心約需30分鐘 翻譯社學校情況美麗,校園如公園般寬廣標致,學生可以在維多利亞大黉舍園中,享受進修英文 翻譯樂趣。
練習工作種類 周末舉止Weekends 週一至周四 workshops/trips to local tourist attraction 課程申明Program Features: 寄宿家庭
暑期語言與文化課程Summer Language & Culture
週一至周五:8:30am-12:30pm 密集英語課程 暑期說話與文化課程Summer Language & Culture
- · Tourism & Hospitality
- · Event Coordination
- · Marketing and Communications
- · Office Administration
大學入學準備課程University Admission Preparation 課程內容
- · Skills & Experience Assessment
- · Resume and Cover Letter Writing
- · Interview Skills
- · Canadian Culture in the Workplace
- · WorldHost: Customer Service Certification
- · 每周20小時
- · 英文分級:Upper Beginner 翻譯公司 Intermediate and Advanced class levels
- · 側重會話語聽力
- · 可以無窮使用校園設備Unlimited access to UVic’s Computer Assisted Language Laboratory 翻譯公司 libraries and computer labs
- · 每周有黉舍流動A schedule of weekly social and cultural activities
- · 住宿種類:暑假7、8月供給校內宿舍
課程長度 Weeks 1-24: sports/movie/conversation club and more 選修課:每周4小時
開課時候 檢視較大 翻譯地圖
課程側重內容: 開課時候
conversation club 中上級英文程度Upper intermediate level (490) of the 12-week program or with approval of the ELC 核心課程:每周18小時,上午或下午(morning or afternoon)
維多利亞大學從屬說話中心UVIC ELC供應的課程 證書certificate 多益(part time)
- ·
- · note taking
- · reading academic texts
- · report writing
- · research
- · computer use
- · academic English
寄宿家庭 課程長度
- · 共2周,約估30小時,學生會被放置在至少兩個分歧的組織服務
- · Orientation and Introduction to North American Workplace Workshop
- · 常日或沐日的義工辦事Weekday and possibly weekend volunteering
- · For an additional fee, this program may be combined with a 2-week academic writing program
英語課程 需有雅思5.5分 合適中級至中高級學生並欲增進雅思分數者 翻譯社 托福(full time)
- · 完成24週密集英語課程並達到490品級,出席率需優越。Completion of 24 weeks of intensive English classes at the 490 level 翻譯公司 in good standing
- · 完成所有的研習會。Attendance at all program workshops
- · 完成所有課程的要求,包含考試、履歷、求職信Completion of all program materials, including WorldHost test, resumes and cover letters
- · 完成24週實習課程Successful completion of a 6-week* professional work term
共48週:24週密集英文課程(每周30小時)+24週帶薪課程(每周20-40小時 professional hours) 有固定的開課日期,請參照黉舍的行事曆 *Length of some work terms may depend on the time of year 上課時候根據學生入學時英文程度由黉舍來安排,沒法自行選擇上午或下午上課。
- · 22 class hours per week
- · Study Centre and Pronunciation Clinic (8 hours per week)
- · 分為六個品級6 levels of instruction from Upper Beginner to University Admission Preparation
- · General or Academic concentrations for students at the intermediate to advanced levels
- · English Work Experience (EWEP) option for students at the high-intermediate to advanced levels
- · General Advanced Level (GAP) for advanced students to focus on career, cultural and global issues
完成課程要求 適合中級至中高級學生選擇 翻譯社教誨學生準備新式托福IBT。
一個月英語課程Monthly English
- · 入學要求:需完成12周英語課程the 12-week program (ELPI)
- · 需年滿18歲
課程內容 課程內容
托福/多益/雅思準備課程TOEFL / TOEIC / IELTS Preparation
維多利亞是卑詩省(British Columbia) 翻譯首府,也是加拿大最瑰麗的城市之一。康泰納仕旅人雜誌(Conde Nast Traveler's Magazine)將維多利亞列為「美洲最佳城市」,並將溫哥華島列為「北美最佳島嶼」 翻譯社本市位於溫哥華島的南端,可搭渡輪或飛機到臨近的西雅圖及溫哥華。維多利亞以其富麗的花園、一流的購物,以及國際美食著名全世界。維多利亞是加拿大最溫暖的城市之一,因此居民一全年都可以享受賞鯨、健行與划船等戶外流動 翻譯社 共12週 Victoria維多利亞校區位置 8:30-12:30
During the full-time, unpaid work term 翻譯公司 students participate in the daily activities of a Canadian organization and gain excellent experience to add to their resumes.
- · Entry Level餐廳、咖啡廳、商鋪等勞力或服務性質的工作
適合學生準備未來進入大學,提前準備需要的學術英與技能,增加對英語能力 翻譯自信 翻譯社 入學水平要求 實習工作種類 五月到八月課表
12週密集英語課程12-Week Intensive English
12週密集英語課程分為六個品級,根據分歧的英文水平可以選擇不同的選修。課程為每周22小時:焦點課程為每周18小時(上午或下晝)+4小時的選修 翻譯社
證書certificate 寄宿家庭。-> 翻譯社|,-> 翻譯公司|的-> 翻譯 英語+工作體驗課程English Work Experience(EWEP) 列入密集英語課程每周30小時,並完成準備工作體驗 翻譯研習會 1.需有托福iBT61分或雅思5.5分
英語課程 周末活動Weekends
午休 入學水平要求
- · Certificate of Participation
- · 完成12週密集英語課程,出席率需精良。Completion of the 12-Week Intensive English Program (ELPI), in good standing
- · 完成所有 翻譯研習會 翻譯社Attendance at all program workshops
- · 完成所有課程 翻譯要求,包括測驗、履歷、求職信Completion of all program materials, including WorldHost test, resumes and cover letters
- · 完成6週實習課程Successful completion of a 6-week* professional work term
Study Centre and Pronunciation Clinic: 每周8小時(optional) UVIC ELC維多利亞校區課表範本
Weeks 1-12:加入密集英語課程,並完成準備工作體驗的研習會,研習會內容包含:
課程側重在會話與聽力技能並結合文化活動。 此課程為part time課程,供應學生有機會演習英語技能與透過義工體式格局來體驗加拿大文化 翻譯社This part-time program provides students with the opportunity to practise their English skills and experience a unique aspect of Canadian culture by volunteering in a Canadian workplace. Students prepare to volunteer in Victoria by attending an orientation session and introductory workshop, facilitated by the Program Coordinator.約估30小時的辦事時候。Students will volunteer in at least 2 different organizations during the 2-week program, for a minimum of 30 volunteer hours including weekdays and weekends. 課程設計:
課程申明Program Features:
在entry-level 勞力或服務性質 翻譯工作作全天 翻譯帶薪練習,每週工作時間為20-40小時。
地址: 3800 Finnerty Road (Ring Road) Victoria 翻譯公司 BC V8W 3N6 Canada
- · 學生須出席率需達80%以上,缺席超過20%(including late arrival and/or early departure),學生沒法拿到畢業證書。
- · 學生課程竣事後,會收到a Record of Grade (report card)
- · 此課程不是學分課程、其實不包管可以直升維多利亞大學This is not a credit course and does not guarantee admission to the University of Victoria。
中上級英文水平Upper intermediate level (490) of the 12-week program or with approval of the ELC
Weeks 13 – 18:開始6週的無薪練習 Outside of classes, students can take advantage of the excellent learning resources available on campus, including the Study Centre and Pronunciation Clinic 翻譯公司 the Computer-Assisted Language Laboratory, library and computer labs. Students in this program enjoy a full calendar of free weekly activities as well as a variety of optional activities offered at minimal cost. 下午活動Afternoons & Evenings
- · 課後研習:A choice of afternoon workshops such as Conversation, Books on Film, Famous Canadians, West Coast Crafts, Sports and visits to local attractions such as the Royal BC Museum and Goldstream Park
- · 薄暮活動:Evening activities such as sports 翻譯公司 movies, conversation games and craft making are organized and facilitated by our Cultural Assistant staff
需有多益600分 (approximately TOEFL 450 PBT / CBT 133 / iBT 45-46) 有固定 翻譯開課日期,請參照黉舍的行事曆 住宿種類
完成課程要求 加拿大UVIC ELC維多利亞大學從屬說話中心-Victoria維多利亞校區
- · Letter of Recommendation from your Employer and the Program Coordinator
- · WorldHost Fundamentals Certificate
- · Certificate of Participation
雅思(full time)
課程說明: 晚上舉動 Weeks 25-48: 我要報價資料
完成課程要求 週一至周五
- · 每周20小時
- · 英文分級:Upper Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced class levels
- · 側重會話語聽力
- · 可以無窮利用校園裝備Unlimited access to UVic’s Computer Assisted Language Laboratory 翻譯公司 libraries and computer labs
- · 每周有黉舍舉止A schedule of weekly social and cultural activities
- · 住宿種類: 9月到6月供應寄宿家庭
8:30am - 12:30pm
Social & culture activity 上課時候周一至周五, 每周30小時 住宿種類
trips to local tourist attraction
- · 完成校入學考試、面試。
- · 英文成就要求:雅思IELTS overall score of 6 or higher或托福iBT TOEFL score of 79 or higher with no section less than 17 (R/L/S/W) OR Passing Grade for level 570 Academic in the 12-Week Program OR Passing Grade for level 570 General, with a passing grade on the UAP writing test 翻譯公司 in the 12-Week Program OR Passing Grade
- · 申請者須於申請時提供雅思或托福成就
一個月英語課程Monthly English
加拿大體驗練習課程Canadian Experience Internship 更多具體資訊/學校影片
有固定 翻譯開課日期,請參照黉舍的行事曆 共18週:12週密集英文課程(每周22小時)+6週練習課程(120-240 professional hours)
入學水平要求 英語與義工課程English and Volunteering 課程側重在會話語聽力技巧,課程結合文化活動。
本文出自: http://aoneedu.pixnet.net/blog/post/39593292-%E5%8A%A0%E6%8B%BF%E5%A4%A7uvic-elc%E7%B6%AD%E5%A4%9A%E有關翻譯的問題歡迎諮詢天成翻譯社